Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

9.11.04 Memorial Club Run

Dave Harnish pulling away from the station with passengers. Kitty Shriver calling everyone with our "dinner bell" to line up and be served dinner.
George Woodling, Anne Johnson and Dave Foster move for the dinner line. Dinner line has formed and the photographer just got snubbed by Dave Foster or was that a "high five"?.
We had a good turnout for the run and chicken dinner by members and Div. 5 families and friends. Robbi doing her serving for the first time thru the new station annex window.
Robbi's view from the window and the table of chicken and some of the deserts for afterwards in the annex expansion.
Rex, Dick, Karl, Margaret and Ray discuss the turnout for the days activities. Ted and Marie had probably the softest seats for dinner.
Finally the end of the line, time to set the camera down and get in line for some food. The ladies are setting up the dessert table so the line will again form.
Marie and Ted brought their ice cream maker and the kids gave the cranking power needed to make a batch and Marie served. Anne Johnson on George Woodlings' trolley headed for the yard.
Linda Harris with the club engine ready to take members and friends for another ride in the woods after supper.
We would like to thank the NMRA division 5 for their participation with us to make this a memorable club function run
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