Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session- 9/26/2012

Chris Cooper, Steve Zaken and Rick Nagy fill their plates for lunch as Bonnie Zaken has fixed our lunch for today which is another rainy day for our work session. Some of the fare that Bonnie had made for us to enjoy today as Steve takes a pudding snack.
The crew heads down to the work area with all the track and rails glistening from the rain as a light drizzle still falls. Because it was so muddy on the approach to our mainline track on the Park Access Rd., George Metts was spreading the pea gravel so we can keep out of the mud.
George dumping a bucket load of pea gravel for the crew to rake out on the access road way. It's still continuing to sprinkle with the rain as Frank Smoley and Dick Clark rake out the gravel.
You can't say we are'nt dedicated as we work right through the rain as George just scooped up another load of gravel. The flash on the camera catches some of the rain as Frank and Dick continue with the raking and leveling of the gravel, hiding the mud.
We also put down stone on the approach to the steaming bays loading/unloading lift. Here George is trying the pull the pile forward to get it away from mixing it with our ballast pile of stone.
George getting ready to dump a bucket load of ballast on the crossing that the guys had finished putting the boards on last week. Frank on the business end of the rake trying to spread the ballast before George brings another bucket load.
It continues to rain and if it wasn't for the awards dinner banquet tonight for the volunteers of the Park, we probably would've bagged it in and gone home. As Bill Deptowicz and George operated the tractor and brought load after load of stone, the guys spread the ballast out around the crossing.
With that project finished Dick took time level some of the mainline track just east of the Park access road crossing with a wet looking Rick Nagy looking on. Members and volunteers of the Park file pass the serving table as they load their plates with the food provided for tonight.
Some of the LSLS members that sat together at the far side of the table, Robbie Haines, Gracie Pekarek, Ken Brooks, Karl and Kathy Losely and Mike Uhrich at this table. Those sitting opposite are Rick Nagy, Diane Hopp, Roberta Uhrich, Kitty and Rex Shriver awaiting the festivities of handing out service awards to the Park volunteers.
Another table with members on this side of the room had Edith Hacker, Dick Clark, Bonnie and Steve Zaken on the far side and Jennifer Legan, Anna and Paul Zorko on the near side of the table. At my table was Judy Oscker, Wayne Boron, Lou and Doris DeLembo with Charlotte and Joe Banzer and we all enjoyed a good evening and some of us the awards.
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